Doing cultural history: methods, historiography and the arts
This research cluster offers a forum to discuss methods and concepts for the study of cultural history and the history of the arts in an era where globalization, digitalization and the questioning of cultural hierarchies continue to expand the horizon of cultural history.

Our focus is on the study of aesthetic objects and cultural practices across historical contexts as well as the study of cultural transfer and circulation of objects, texts, practices, and ideologies. This involves both qualitative and quantitative methodologies concerning archival practice, documentation, and development of strategies for the academic use of artefacts and records, as well as the position of subjective and collective memories.
Rather than developing a common methodology the research cluster seeks to cultivate a mutual scholarly awareness of the plethora of relevant state of the art methods to enhance the study of culture and its historical embeddedness in bodies, objects, texts, places, and practices. Importantly, this also involves critical awareness of how current change in archival practices and infrastructures may not only facilitate new approaches but also, at a deeper level, transform our understanding of objects and texts. Finally, the cluster aims to cultivate an interest in experimenting with original and uncommon methods and approaches to themes, objects and artefacts is part of the clusters’ course of action.
The Doing cultural history research cluster is thus founded on the common assumption that critical methodological development is essential to our ability to pose questions which are new to our disciplines.
Methodology and historiography
Doing cultural history means practicing and critically reflecting on both new and long-established methods for the study of cultural history, art history, literary history, and the histories of the performing arts. We critically examine historical concepts and discuss the criteria and politics of historical representation.
Archives, texts and objects
Doing cultural history is an active practice which depends on textual and material archives of all sorts. Recent developments in digitization is currently affecting and reshaping both archives and research practices. Our cluster is therefore also a forum for sharing knowledge on new archival possibilities, challenges and practices across the aesthetic disciplines.
Cultural contexts
Doing cultural history also means re-constructing contexts. Along with our historiographic and archival work the cluster will focus on social, political and cultural relations and structures surrounding our aesthetic objects.
- Carl Nielsen, European composer
- Curating the Contemporary: An exhibition history of the museum of modern art as a new Bildung institution
- Exhibiting Across the Iron Curtain: The forgotten trail of Danish artists exhibiting in the context of state socialism, ca. 1955-1985
- Materiality and ideology in court culture 1550-1650, based on Rudolf von Deventer's manuscripts on fireworks and artillery dedicated to Frederik II
- Voices, places and strife. The sound of theatre and musical drama (1721-1854) as material and intangible cultural heritage
Contact: Jens Hesselager
Cluster leadership: Erik Steinskog og Kristian Handberg
Name | Title | Phone | |
Andersen, Michael Høxbro | Assistant Professor | +4535330073 | |
Briggs-Mønsted, Casper Thorhauge | PhD Fellow | +4535323774 | |
Dahl, Christian | Associate Professor | +4535329269 | |
Dalla Bonta, Giada | PhD Fellow | +4535324575 | |
Dehn, Bror Axel | PhD Fellow | +4535337766 | |
Eigtved, Michael | Associate Professor | +4535331486 | |
Fjeldsøe, Michael | Professor | ||
Gehlshøj, Peter Koch | PhD Fellow | +4535328728 | |
Handberg, Kristian | Assistant Professor | +4535334869 | |
Hansen, Maria Fabricius | Professor | +4540876828 | |
Hesselager, Jens | Associate Professor | +4535325450 | |
Hindsberg, Lise Henriette | Postdoc | +4535334266 | |
Holme, Oliver Wiant Rømer | PhD Fellow | +4535328909 | |
Landbo, Sofus | PhD Fellow | +4535332993 | |
Mering, Sara | PhD Fellow | +4535326405 | |
Odebrant, Per Joel Pontus | Postdoc | +4535328398 | |
Overgaard, Mathias Hindkjær | PhD Student | ||
Rasmussen, Maja Sofie | PhD Fellow | +4535324307 | |
Reeh, Henrik | Associate Professor | +4535328231 | |
Sandbye, Mette | Professor | +4535328230 | |
Schönström, Oscar Vindel | PhD Fellow | +4535329578 | |
Steinskog, Erik | Associate Professor | +4540499027 | |
Stougård, Therese | PhD Fellow |