How are relationships between family members affected by the influx of digital technologies in our homes? How do these technologies enable us to surveil, monitor, and track one another, altering our ways of relating to the people closest to us?
The increase in the presence of technologies with surveillance capabilities in the home raises fundamental questions about how the affordances of smart technologies configure the relationship between care and control in new ways. Moreover, this calls for scrutiny of the emerging notions of 'the home' as a space saturated by technologies. HomeCTRL involves the analysis of cultural imaginaries, ethnographic data collection through surveys and interviews, as well as the production of documentary films and interactive art installations.
The project is a collaboration between researchers at Lund University and University of Copenhagen and collaborates with Landsorganisation af Kvindekrisecentre (LOKK).
"Digital vold på krisecentrene i Danmark" i samarbejde med Landsorganisation af Kvindekrisecentre (LOKK) finansieret af startmidler fra Crown Princess Mary Center
”Digital vold i hjemmet – en undersøgelse af udbredelsen af brugen af delte digitale enheder til psykisk vold og chikane” i samarbejde med Landsorganisation af Kvindekrisecentre (LOKK) finansieret af startmidler fra Crown Princess Mary Center
”Hjem, teknologi og relationer - en formidlingsfilm om forskning i smarte teknologier i hjemmet i krydsfeltet mellem omsorg, overvågning og kontrol” funded by Carlsberg Mindelegat
“Remote Control” development of documentary film in cooperation with the film production company Northern Souls, development funded by Danish Film Institute.
“Digital vold i hjemmet” - educational film for crisis units – produced by Northern Souls with support from Offerfonden.
Interactive art installation funded by Statens Kunstfond, Danske Filminstruktører, Dramatikerforbundet, Independent Research Fund Denmark – the research project Drone Imaginaries and Communities, Carlsberg Foundation – the research project Uncertain Archives
Name | Title | Phone | |
Veel, Kristin | Associate Professor - Promotion Programme | +4520404914 | |
Wellendorf, Kassandra Charlotte | Teaching Associate Professor | +4528197656 |
Navn | Titel | |
Søilen, Karen Louise Grova | Associate senior lecturer |
PI: Associate Professor Kristin Veel, Teaching Associate Professor Kassandra Charlotte Wellendorf and Associate senior lecturer and PhD Karen Louise Grova Søilen.