Birkan Taş- Cripplng Time: A Hopeful Endeavour

This talk explores disability in terms of an embodied orientation towards uncertainty
entangled with vulnerability. To this end, it elaborates on Robert McRuer and Merri
Lisa Johnson’s conception of “cripistemology, ”which posits “differential bodily subjectivities ”at its centre, and promotes an openness to various ways of knowing and unknowing. Cripistemology can be said to mobilize a “politics of a crip futurity” by contesting regimented ideologies of compulsory ableism based on predictable temporalities. This opens up a politics of hope, which promotes a temporal reorientation towards vulnerability and disability. Such a politics of hope can offer alternative ways of relating to the archive and archival practices by addressing time as a matter of access and inclusivity. This talk aims to address the ways in which a critical disability perspective can contribute to challenging an unequal and selective allocation of vulnerability in big data archives. By questioning the links between disability and vulnerability, the political motivation of this talk is to make the archive more accessible and inclusive for diverse bodily differences.