Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900-1960, and Nordic Feminist Art Histories Research Network

Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900-1960 Book Launch


  • Introductory comments
    Kerry Greaves (10 minutes)
  • Addressing postcolonial politics
    Bart Pushaw: “Elsa Laula, Astri Aasen, and the Ascent of Sámi Visual Sovereignty, 1904-1917” (8 minutes)

  • Gender trouble in Norwegian art history
    Sigrun Åsebø: “Women Pioneers of Abstraction in 1950s Norway: The Balancing Act of Aase Texmon Rygh, Inger Sitter, and Gudrun Kongelf” (8 minutes)
  • Gendering of mid-century abstraction
    Karen Kurczynski: “The Symbolic Abstraction of Else Alfelt” (8 minutes)

  • Plenary Q&A (15 minutes)


BREAK (10 minutes)

Nordic Feminist Art Histories Research Network Launch
