17 Dec. 2024, 16:00-17:30 To Make It Happen: The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs Guest lecture by Kasper Opstrup, assistant professor in modern cultural studies at the University of Copenhagen.
23 Oct. - 25 Oct. 2024 A Tide of Ghosts: Esotericism and Art beyond Fact and Fiction A two-day multidisciplinary conference exploring how the use of fictionings, in various entanglements of art, politics, and esotericism, bleeds into the real and how the two relate, if they ever are truly separate.
13 Sept. 2024, 17:00-20:00 Udgivelsesreception for Æter nr. 8 Kom, og vær med til at fejre Arkiv for Detaljers nyeste udgivelse, "Æter nr. 8: Viden der ændrer dig" af Kasper Opstrup og med en fold-ud-plakat af Sonja Rendtorff.