Multipolyphonies, Vibrational Affects, and Deep Listening

Conceptualizing Ecologies, Relations, and Knowledges inwiththroughas the Sonic

Presenter: Walter S. Gershon (Rowan University,USA)


Posthumanisms has done much to dislocate (more than) human animals from the center of our understandings about ourselves and relationships of all kinds. Often borrowed from Deleuzian/Guattarian interpretations of scientific constructions, such contributions include the rich language of posthumanisms (e.g., entanglement, assemblage). Yet sound experiences and accompanying attentions to sonic ways of beingknowingdoing have also long been the focus of study. Documenting the ways that vibrational affects resonate and reverberate to form multipolyphonies, this this talk addresses how sound knoweldges articulate the complex interrelations of everyday ecologies. Part of a larger argument about what the sonic can teach posthumanisms and should learn about itself, this short talk presents a still-unfolding step in Dr. Gershon’s work at the intersection of sound studies, critical social science, and education.