Holger Schulze

Holger Schulze


Member of:

    1. 2017
    2. Out of Space

      Schulze, Holger (Organizer)

      21 Jun 201722 Jun 2017

      Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

    3. The Precision of Sensibility: How to Deal With Epistemological Uncertainty?

      Schulze, Holger (Invited speaker)

      23 May 2017

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    4. Sebastian Schwesinger

      Schulze, Holger (Host)

      24 Apr 201723 Jun 2017

      Activity: Hosting a visitor typesHosting an academic visitor

    5. Meri Kytö

      Schulze, Holger (Host)

      15 Mar 201715 Jun 2017

      Activity: Hosting a visitor typesHosting an academic visitor

    6. 2016
    7. Domesticizing the Urban Beast: On the Sonic Anthropology of Infrastructure

      Schulze, Holger (Lecturer)

      29 Nov 2016

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    8. Akustische Szenographie: Nischen, Resonanzen & Hörwege im Ausstellungsraum

      Schulze, Holger (Lecturer)

      10 Nov 2016

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    9. Jenseits der Sinneshierarchie: Über Sensologien, Nanopolitik & Audiopietismus

      Schulze, Holger (Lecturer)

      3 Nov 2016

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    10. The Materiality of Sound: Percepts – Sensologies – Sensibilities

      Schulze, Holger (Lecturer)

      21 Oct 2016

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    11. Sound as Popular Culture

      Schulze, Holger (Organizer)

      6 Oct 2016

      Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

    12. Die Bierdusche des Klangs: Sensologiekritik bei Deichkind

      Schulze, Holger (Lecturer)

      30 Sep 2016

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

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