Sound Studies Lab

Field research, critical analysis & sonic artifacts: a research environment at the University of Copenhagen

The Sound Studies Lab invites young and experienced scholars and artists to work on the sonic and sensory aspects of individual lives and in heterogeneous societies, cultures and historical eras.

Katrinem: Barfüsserplatz Basel (place studies - go your gait! part 19, 2013)

We offer a biweekly Colloquium Sound & Sensory Studies on Zoom as well as research workshops and conferences in presence format – e.g. New Approaches to Listening (2015), Pre-Acoustic Sound Studies (2016), Out of Space (2017), Radio in Turmoil (2019), WHAT SOUNDS DO (2023), HOW TO STUDY SOUND? (2024).

We also welcome guest researchers (PhD and Postdoc) and ERASMUS-trainees.

The research projects at the lab operate in mobile, experiential and field-based research environments: the basic research strategies of the lab are therefore field research, critical analysis and the production of sonic artifacts.

The researchers and collaborators of the Sound Studies Lab document their research in research blogs, in podcasts, in articles for peer reviewed journals and magazines, in radio features, curated events, or experimental sound performances.

The Sound Studies Lab was founded in 2011 by Holger Schulze. The foundation of the lab was funded by the German Research Foundation DFG at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.

We hosted researchers from Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Moreover, at our biweekly online colloquium we welcomed contributors from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, India, Indonesia, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey and the US.


  • Multi-sensory, proprioceptive and experiential aspects of sounds in everyday life (e.g. aural diversity, sound and the gustatory, idiosyncrasies of sonic experiences)
  • Historical or regional genres or examples of sound art or sound design (e.g. sound art in the Soviet Union, sonic labour within sound design, sound performances as a vessel, sounds and migration)
  • Situated and corporeal sound knowledge and its role within sonic epistemologies (e.g. sonic materialism, sound education, anthropology of the senses)
  • Sensory methods and sonic methodologies in research (e.g. sonic writing, deep listening, sonic fiction, sensobiographical walking, audio papers) 



What Sounds Do. New Directions in an Anthropology of Sound – A special issue of the journal Seismograf (2023), no. 30; edited by Giada Dalla Bontà, Ania Mauruschat, Holger Schulze & Jenny Gräf Sheppard.

The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Anthropology of Sound (Bloomsbury Academics 2021, ed. Holger Schulze)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art (Bloomsbury Academics 2020, eds. Sanne Krogh Groth & Holger Schulze)

Sound as Popular Culture (MIT-Press 2016, eds. Jens Gerrit Papenburg & Holger Schulze)

Sound Works (Bloomsbury Academics 2018, by Holger Schulze)

Anthropology of Sound (special issue The Senses and Society 2016, ed. Holger Schulze)

Functional Sounds in History and the Public Sphere (special issue SoundEffects 2015, eds. Carla J. Maier & Holger Schulze)

Functional Sounds in Sound Art and Popular Culture (special issue Journal of Sonic Studies 2014, eds. Marcel Cobussen, Julia Krause & Holger Schulze)

Towards New Sonic Epistemologies (special issue Journal of Sonic Studies 2013, eds. Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg & Holger Schulze)


Researchers at IKK

Name Title Phone E-mail
Giada Dalla Bonta PhD Fellow +4535324575 E-mail

Research collaborators outside of UCPH

Sam Auinger, sound artist, Berlin/DE

Michael Bull, University of Sussex/UK

Sanne Krogh Groth, Lund University/SE

Iben Have, Aarhus University/DK

Macon Holt, CBS Copenhagen/DK

Jens Gerrit Papenburg, University of Bonn/DE

Sven Sappelt, CLB Berlin/DE

Anette Vandsøe, Aarhus University/DK     

Salomé Voegelin, London College of Communication/UK