Intimate Constellations / Constellations of Intimacy: Mapping Attachment with Ester Fleckner's I Navigate in Collisions

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Mathias Danbolt - Lecturer

How to imagine forms of belonging beside the cultural models of attachment that dominate “the empire of love”? Inspired by sociologist Eva Illouz’s criticism of the powerful institutional arrangements that shape forms of modern love, these series of notes turn to the aesthetic in search for alternative constellations of intimacy. Thinking alongside Ester Fleckner’s series of woodcuts "I Navigate in Collisions" (2014), the presentation meditates on the conditions for intimacy in times of Grindr and Brenda, erotic capital and sexual capitalism, compulsory coupledom and utter loneliness. Shuttling between the diaristic and the theoretical, the private and the political, the presentation meditates on the importance of rethinking the architecture of attachments in the search of sustaining other modes of living.

A symposium with Erika Alm and Ellie Nordfeldt, Katarina Bonnevier, Mathias Danbolt, Al Masson and Transmilitanta Brigaden. Facilitated by Mary Coble, Sara Jordenö and Carlos Motta. The Empire of Love is initiated by Carlos Motta in the context of his exhibition For Democracy There Must Be Love at Röda Sten Konsthall. The symposium is co-hosted by Valand Academy, Röda Sten Konsthall and The Hasselblad Foundation in Gothenburg.
25 Jan 2015

Event (Conference)

TitleThe Empire of Love: Alternative Relationships and Other Possibilities
Abbreviated titleThe Empire of Love
LocationAkademin Valand, Göteborgs universitet

ID: 130471433