Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)

What is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship?

The purpose of the Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSIF) is to provide young researchers at postdoc level from in or outside Europe with the opportunity to acquire and pass on new knowledge and work with experienced researchers through transnational co-operation. Through the program the aim is also to provide the European research environments with the opportunity to attract young international talents through a two-year postdoctoral fellowship.

The application format emphasises that the postdoc project is developed in collaboration with and can be linked to research centres or environments at the host institution, and that an opportunity for mutual enrichment and development can be seen through the project.

Formal requirements (subject to changes in the final announcement):

The coming postdoc (fellow) may come from the EU or other countries, but must not have resided in Denmark for more than 12 out of the last 36 months before the application deadline. The postdoc must also have obtained a PhD degree of max. 8 years before the application deadline depending on various factors such as maternity/paternity leave, sick leave, official services etc. 

The MSIF scheme is part of an excellence programme, and a potential postdoc must through his/her PhD and any subsequent publications/projects and research activities have showed that s/he lives up to excellence expectations.

Only in special cases can the department host postdocs, who have received their PhD within the last year, as experience show, that candidates with little experience seldom obtain funding.

The Department of Arts and Cultural Studies hosts 3-5 applications each year and has received 4 grants in the programme in recent years.

What is your responsibility as a postdoc applicant?

The application is drawn up jointly by you and an experienced researcher from the host institution (a supervisor) with you taking the lead and the supervisor as a partner. Toghether you must draw out the application in the formal forms and describe in detail with regards to excellence, impact and implementation, how the project is carried out, what results are expected and how the project can affect you as a researcher and the research environments at your host institution.

If you get the grant, please be aware, that you will receive a salary which will cover reasonable housing and living costs during the fellowship, but not your relocation. Besides this, you will receive a fixed rate for activities and training elements in the project. Also note, that it is a mobility grant and pursuing further career opportunities in Denmark might be difficult. When discussing your career plans with your supervisor both in the application proces and during the project should take this into consideration. 

Hosting applications

If you wish to apply with hosting at Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, your supervisor must contact IKKs research support unit at no later than February 21, 2025.

(January 2025)