Return and Repetition. Re-enacting Scenes of Violence: Negotiating Figures of Migration and Overflow in Contemporary Performance and Visual Art

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review

  • Sofie Volquartz Lebech
This paper examines the affect and effect of torture and therapy on a personal as well as state level. In the recent past, torture was considered something, which had been inflicted upon those who arrived in Europe as refugees and who were in turn treated in therapy. Today, Western democracies have re-introduced torture as a means to stop terrorism. On the backdrop of the current entanglement of war, torture, and terror, this paper performance investigates the precarious relationship between victim and perpetrator.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date10 Jun 2017
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2017
EventPSi #23 Overflow - Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany
Duration: 8 Jun 201711 Jun 2017


ConferencePSi #23 Overflow
Internet address

ID: 192150257