Between Maps and Territories: a generative feedback loop

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Rasmus Holmboe
  • Jan Høgh Stricker
This audio paper departs from an artwork made by Andreas Führer called The Map is Not The Territory D’Or; a score for a soundwalk in the town of Roskilde, Denmark. The basic sound materials used in the audio paper are 1) an interview in Danish with the artist, 2) a voice over of a theoretical text in English, and 3) recordings from performances of the piece, including walking, breathing exercises, and the sounds of ventilation systems and other environmental sound. By mingling these different materials, and by using ‘map’ and ‘territory’ as metaphors, the paper complicates issues of representation and materialism, suggesting that it can never be one or the other, but always both at once. The paper does not offer a hermeneutic interpretation of Führer’s piece; rather it is a performative appropriation that uses the piece as a machine for experimenting with the relations between artist and theorist, artwork, embodied experience and academic representation, all of which are categories rendered somewhat problematic by the format of the audio paper itself.
Original languageEnglish
Issue numberSpecial Issue: Fluid Sounds
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2016

ID: 165002532