Talk: carry gather assemble fold

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Storm Møller Madsen - Speaker

Intervention at thecarrierbag festival 2023

A reflection on my work as a dramaturg of the festival. A work that centered around curatorial methods of situatedness, care, and critical awareness.

"how do we carry⁠
how do we gather⁠
how do we assemble through sites of tenderness and accountability⁠
how do we fold together and apart⁠
who is the we and the I that carries, gathers, assembles, folds …. together⁠"
24 Jun 2023


Titlethecarrierbag festival 2023
Degree of recognitionInternational event

    Research areas

  • Curating, Dramaturgy, dance, Performance art

ID: 358559919