PhD at Arts and Cultural Studies
The Department of Arts and Cultural Studies hosts around 20 PhD students, who are enrolled at the Faculty of Humanities' PhD School and employed at the faculty or at one of the faculty's partner institutions, which include museums, libraries and artistic higher education institutions. Every year the department also welcomes a handful of visiting scholars from international partner institutions. The PhD students' research covers the entire academic spectrum of the department: Musicology, Literature, Art History, Visual Culture, Modern Culture, Theatre and Performance Studies. Many of the projects also contain a practical dimension, including artistic practice, curatorial practice and practice in civil society.
The department organizes in collaboration with the Faculty's PhD School and a number of Danish and international collaborators a number of international research courses for PhD students:
- Nationwide, an annual course is organized at Sandbjerg in cooperation with Aarhus University and the University of Southern Denmark.
- Internationally, IKK cooperates with the European Network for the Study of Culture. In addition the University of Copenhagen participates with Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis, University of Leiden, Université de Paris VIII, The Lisbon Consortium, Ljubljana University, Goldsmiths College, University of London and PUC Rio de Janeiro. The network organizes an annual summer school (European Summer School in Cultural Studies) and a number of smaller symposia.
PhD students
Name | Title | Phone | |
Anna Meera Gaonkar | Teaching Assistant Professor | +4551225698 | |
Anna Weile Kjær | Enrolled PhD Student | +4535324525 | |
Brenda Amaru Ibarra Olguin | PhD Fellow | +4535327496 | |
Casper Thorhauge Briggs-Mønsted | PhD Fellow | +4535323774 | |
Frida Viktoria Sandström | PhD Fellow | +4535336822 | |
Giada Dalla Bonta | PhD Fellow | +4535324575 | |
Julie Edel Hardenberg | Enrolled PhD Student | +4535323646 | |
Kristoffer Raasted | PhD Fellow | ||
Line Ellegaard | Postdoc | +4535320534 | |
Peter Koch Gehlshøj | PhD Fellow | +4535328728 | |
Signe Margrethe Havsteen | PhD Fellow | +4535324933 | |
Storm Møller Madsen | PhD Fellow | +4560580487 | |
Søren Thorlak Madsen | Enrolled PhD Student | +4535331293 | |
Terne Nanna Thorsen | Postdoc | +4535335517 | |
Therese Stougård | PhD Fellow | ||
Xenia Brown Pallesen | PhD Fellow | +4535336552 | |
Ziyu Yuan | PhD Fellow |
PhD coordinator
Karen Blixens Vej 1
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Room: 21.3.46
Phone: +45 35 32 92 61
Become a PhD student
Read about how to become a
PhD programme
See the PhD programme for Spring 2025.