Resting with/in Academia: A Day of Immersion In and Around Rest


We and our environments are exhausted. We urgently need rest, and we need to find ways to rest that do not aggravate the inequalities produced by neoliberal capitalism and systems of oppression that enact rest as a luxury good at the potential cost of breaking down other bodies and environments.

This symposium is dedicated to exploring resting practices that foreground solidarity and collectivity. Furthermore, the symposium specifically addresses the conditions and barriers for rest with/in academia, with its structural emphases on performance, productivity, and competitiveness. The goal of the resting lab is to rest together; to equip all participants with reflections, tools and strategies for rest; and to develop a shared open-source pool of prompts for resting that is accessible to everyone.


9:30 - 10:00 Arriving into rest and landing in the space
10:00 - 10:45 Sharing in groups. What is rest for me? What are the dilemmas and frictions I experience in relation to rest?
10:45 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:00 Conversation about rest in academia with Maribel Blasco (Copenhagen Business School), Gry Worre Hallberg (Kunst Højskolen I Holbæk), and Malou Juelskjær (Aarhus University), moderated by Linda Lapina
12:00 - 12:15 Break
12:15 - 13:00 Shared reflections in the room
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30 THIS IS A PLACE OF REST,a site-responsive activist performance intervention by Nana-Francisca Schottländer, adapted to the University of Copenhagen’s South Campus on Njalsgade. The performance offers embodied experiences with rest with/in and against this site and the histories and structures embedded in it, while providing inspiration for further reflections and discussions.
15:30 - 15:45 Break
15:45 - 16:30 Collective idea generation.How do we support each other and ourselves in rest? How might we develop prompts, scripts, invitations, and strategies for rest with/in academia for an open-source catalogue?


Sign up for the symposium.

Spaces are limited.

The programme for the day is tentative; the full and updated program will be sent to registered participants one week before the event. Please note that we encourage registered participants to attend the whole symposium. As there are a limited number of places, we suggest that these are reserved for participants who are able to stay for the full day.

This resting lab/symposium is part of the "Resting Labs Vol. 2" series organized by Nana-Francisca Schottländer, Lukas Lund, and Linda Lapiņa, in collaboration with different partners for each event.