Amanda Grimsbo Roswall

Amanda Grimsbo Roswall

PhD fellow

2024: Editor on special issue of the journal Passage on "Feminist rereadings of the 1970s". 

2024: Teaching the course Transatlantic feminisms (Undergraduate level, Engerom, University of Copenhagen)

2022: Teaching the course Reading Texts on French-language literature from the 20th and 21st centuries (French Undergraduate level, Engerom, University of Copenhagen)

2022: Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA (January-May)

2021: Started PhD project, Engerom, University of Copenhagen

2020-2021: Research Assistant, Lockdown Reading, University of Copenhagen

2020: Teaching course on Marguerite Duras (Comparative Literature Undergraduate level, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, UCPH)

2019: MA of Arts in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen

2018: Erasmus+, La littérature comparée, Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3)

2016-2018: Research Assistant, French Literary History: Cultures of Topology, Engerom, University of Copenhagen

2017: BA in Comparative Literature and French, University of Copenhagen

Knowledge of languages

English, French, Danish

ID: 243368582