Culture at Work

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

Nanna Bonde Thylstrup - Speaker

The aims of this project are: to deepen transnational perspectives on high-level practice-based training of professionals in the cultural sector by promoting intellectual and artistic exchange with established and emerging artists; to strengthen the transfer of knowledge between Southern, Central, and Northern Europe in order to reflect a diverse and yet coherent European approach to the study of culture; and to implement a sustainable platform for trans-sectorial dialogue, promote the transnational organisation of artistic residencies at the higher education institutions, and organise academic training workshops at the partner cultural institutions, so as to enhance and upgrade existing work/university relations. To wind up the project, MACBA is organising an international seminar focusing on artistic research, with the participation of Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona University.
24 Apr 201525 Apr 2015


ConferenceCulture at Work
LocationBarcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA)

ID: 132303953