Cultural Policy as identity policy.

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

Peter Duelund - Organizer

Final the panel discussion based on the project initiated and organised by PD on ICCPR 2010 (see www.ICCPR2010) Chair: Peter Duelund Panel members by terms of presentations: Susan Galloway, University of Glasgow, UK Toine Minnaert, Utrecht University, Netherlands Simone Wesner, London Metropolitan University, UK Tatiana Stoitchkokova, South-West University, Bulgaria JP Singh, Georgetown University, USA Conclusion of the session: The EU has, post Maastricht, increasingly argued for a common European cultural policy based on Unity in Diversity and intercultural dialogues. Globally the UNECCO - Convention Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions has been ratified of a majority of nations. Finally controversies between secularised and religious based cultural policy has given rise to huge debates. Controversies between secularised and religious identity policy are everywhere a lurking undertone of cultural policy. The present discourses on identity displayed in regions, nations, national states, minority groups and globally seem to indicate that collective forms of identity based on national belonging, ethnicity and local traditions are improved in public cultural policy in Europe and all over the world. One the other hand paradigms like multiculturalism, constitutional patriotism, multiple ideas of identity etc. are displayed in the cultural policy discourses and cultural practises and in the academic debates.
26 Jul 2010


ConferenceCultural Policy as identity policy.
Period26/08/2010 → …

    Research areas

  • Identity policy, art, culture, dominating trends and developments, national, european and global challenges

ID: 33233043